If I were to run for president

My platform would be:

  • Term and (upper) age limits for SCOTUS, congress and (V)POTUS

    • The world belongs to the young. They should be deciding their own fate, not the old and disconnected fogies that are currently in power.
  • Computerize as much as possible in the government and give the poor an easy way to access government services (free phone, computer access, whatever is needed)

    • Too much of the government is run by very old computers and even a paper system. It's way past time to modernize. Very important systems (i.e. FAA) can keep paper as a backup as they already do.
  • Transparency for everything (that's not a military or intelligence secret)

    • Publish stats for everything as soon as possible so FICA requests aren't even needed anymore. Where does the money go? Who is doing what? Expose salaries of everyone who gets paid with tax money. In today's day and age, it should be easy to make information available to the masses quickly.
  • Make illegal:

    • Gerrymandering
    • Lobbyists in any form
    • Political campaign donations (and cap campaign spending to something reasonable where you don't have to be a millionaire to run for office)
    • Political special interest groups
    • Presidential immunity and presidential pardons
  • Allow vote-by-mail in every state.

  • Legalize marijuana across the country. Keep all other harder drugs illegal.

    • I don't smoke it, but it's legal almost everywhere already. This would allow pot shops to put their money in banks and make the system more secure overall.
    • Full amnesty for anyone in jail or prison for marijuana-related offenses. Restore their voting privileges.
    • Honorable discharges for anyone discharged from the military for marijuana-related reasons.
  • Federal help for any 'serious' drug addiction rehabilitation

  • Audit and modernize the welfare system - get rid of loopholes.

  • Guns:

    • Annual accountability audits. Just like annual taxes, let's make sure that the weapons that you bought are accounted for and in the hands of documented individuals. This is an effort to get weapons out of the hands of people who acquired them illegally. Proud weapon owners would be very willing to go through their weapons one at a time and show that they're in good working order and owned by the documented owner and incentivize them to not sell without documentation.
  • Police:

    • Get rid of military-style gear, but keep riot gear. If military force is required, that's what the National Guard is for.
    • Get social services to work side-by-side with police during every house call.
  • Very nice homeless shelters in every city that provide safety, privacy, a place to sleep, eat, clean and free WiFi. Nicer than tents, but not as permanent as a real house, perhaps partially exposed to the elements to encourage only temporary occupation.

    • For those homeless people that are not drug users, they can always use existing homeless shelters, but they're frequently not safe or family-friendly.
    • For those who are drug users and don't want to change their situation or aren't allowed in today's homeless shelters due to their drug use they also need a safe place to live with access to rehabilitation services.
  • Open the borders - wide open. Let everyone in that wants to come here. The Statue of Liberty says to do it. We should do it.

    • Let the people in! 99.9% of them just want asylum from a horrible country. The other 0.1% will be caught in our very good justice system.
    • Add more immigration judges to increase the speed of the immigration process - currently years, should be weeks or at most a few months.
    • Take the rest of the border budget and put it into infrastructure to add more train/rail and fix the ageing highways and bridges in the country.
    • Fine the immigrants that are here illegally and provide a legal path to citizenship.
  • Get rid of daylight savings time

    • Long overdue - doesn't help anything
  • Double (or even triple) the money for public education across the country

    • Encourage the most popular YouTubers to teach a school subject or get the YouTubers that already are teaching these subjects and super-popular to become part of the curricula.
  • Make sure that US Veterans get the help and medical treatment that they deserve no matter what the cost.

  • Higher taxes for billionaires - reduce or get rid of any large tax loopholes or incentives that keep them from paying their fair share.

  • Higher taxes for billion-dollar companies. Get rid of tax loopholes that keep companies from paying their fair share. Other non-tax incentives to build in certain states or cities can stay in-place.

  • Lower the cost of higher education using whatever means necessary back to a couple of thousand of dollars per semester. College costs are way too high and the middle-class are struggling to send their kids to school nowadays. Work towards a free federally-funded system if it's possible.

  • Adopt the European/Canadian healthcare/education system and work/life balance guidelines.

  • Put Steve Bannon, Roger Stone and Donald Trump in prison, but in the same cell - just because I think they deserve it. :)